Orthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and how they work. It is used to correct crowded teeth, protruding teeth, teeth with gaps, improper bite etc.

Many people have crowded or crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatment helps to straighten these teeth by moving them into a better position thereby improving not only the appearance but also the way the teeth come in contact with each other while also making them easier to clean.
When the teeth don't meet correctly, this can put strain on the muscles of jaw, causing jaw and joint problems and in some cases headaches.
Orthodontic treatment can help you to bite more evenly and reduce the strain.
Orthodontic treatment is generally best carried out in children, but adults can also have orthodontic treatment and more and more are doing that.
Age is less important than having the proper number of teeth. In children, it may be necessary to wait for enough teeth to come through before starting treatment.
The most important thing is to have a full examination. This will involve looking at your teeth, taking x-rays and making plaster models of your teeth.
The dentist @ Healthy Roots will then discuss what treatment is possible. Once you are sure you want to go ahead, the treatment can begin as soon as you enough permanent teeth.
Orthodontic treatment can be done by many sorts of appliances, which most people know as 'braces'.
Treatment times depends on various factors that include the severity of the problem, bone response, and patient cooperation.
After the braces are removed, most patients wear a retainer for some time to keep or “retain” the teeth in their new positions. The orthodontist will determine how long the retainer needs to be worn.
At Healthy Roots, the treatment is done by an experienced orthodontist. We offer a variety of options for braces and the treatment caters to a wide range of age groups.